A Brief Examination

Ann woke up one morning and discovered her dog Fluffy was not moving. She brought Fluffy to the vet.

A Brief Examination Funny Jokes

After a brief examination, the vet pronounced the dog dead.

“Are you sure?” Ann asked with tears in her eyes. “Isn’t there anything else you can do for Fluffy?”

The vet replied, “Well, there is one more thing we could try.”

He disappeared into the back room for a second and came back carrying a cat in his arms.

He put the cat on the table next to the dog.

The cat sniffed the dog from head to toe, jumped off the table and ran back into the other room.

“Well, that confirms it,” the vet announced. “Your dog is dead.”

“How much do I owe you?” Ann sighed.

“That will be $250,” the vet replied.

“What?” Ann yelled. “What did you do that cost $250?”

“Well,” the vet replied, “it’s $50 for the office visit and $200 for the cat scan.”


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