A Dirty Boy
Two bachelors are talking and their conversation drifts from politics to cooking.

“I got a cookbook last Christmas,” says the first, “but I was never able to do anything with it.”
“Too much fancy cooking in it, eh?” asks the second.
“You said it
Every one of the recipes began the same way, ‘Take a clean dish and …”
Bonus Joke: Brave Pig
A farmer was in the pub bragging about his pig.
“That animal saved my life twice,” he said
“Once I fell into the river and he jumped in and dragged me to the bank
Another time my house caught on fire and he ran in and saved me, the wife and the kids.”
The farmer passes around a picture of the miraculous animal
One of the guys notices the pig is missing a leg.
“Which accident did the pig lose its leg in?” he asks.
“Neither An animal like that you don’t eat all at once!”