The Plane Tree

Two Travelers, walking in the noonday sun, sought the shade of a wide-spreading tree to rest. As they lay looking up among the pleasant leaves, they saw that it was a Plane Tree.
“How useless is the Plane!” said one of them. “It bears no fruit whatever, and only serves to litter the ground with leaves.”
“Ungrateful creatures!” said a voice from the Plane Tree. “You lie here in my cooling shade, and yet you say I am useless! Thus ungratefully, O Jupiter, do people receive their blessings!”
Our best blessings are often the least appreciated.
Moral of the story
Appreciate what you have: Sometimes, the things that seem less important are the ones that provide the most value.
Gratitude is important: It’s essential to be thankful for the blessings, even if they seem small.
Questions for the children
- Why do you think one of the Travelers thought the Plane Tree was useless?
- Can you think of something in your life that you might have taken for granted but is actually important?
Post Note: This story is based on Aesop’s fable, written around 600 BC. In this retelling, we’ve used simpler words to make the story easier for young readers to understand.