The Young Crab and His Mother

Why in the world do you walk sideways like that? said a Mother Crab to her son.

“You should always walk straight forward with your toes turned out.”

“Show me how to walk, mother dear,” answered the little Crab obediently, “I want to learn.”

So the old Crab tried and tried to walk straight forward.

But she could walk sideways only, like her son. And when she wanted to turn her toes out she tripped and fell on her nose.

Moral of the story

Lead by example: It’s important to show others how to do things by doing them yourself.
Don’t criticize without trying: Before telling others what to do, make sure you can do it yourself.

Questions for the children

  1. Why do you think the little Crab wanted to learn to walk differently?
  2. Can you share a time when you learned something by watching someone else do it?

Post Note: This story is based on Aesop’s fable, written around 600 BC. In this retelling, we’ve used simpler words to make the story easier for young readers to understand.


  • Aesop

    Aesop (circa 620–564 BC) was an Ancient Greek fabulist and storyteller credited with a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop’s Fables. Although his existence remains uncertain and (if they ever existed) no writings by him survive, numerous tales credited to him were gathered across the centuries and in many languages.

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