A Little Morning Music
I walked out on my porch this morning to the wonderful sight of the sun rising over the mountains. I smiled as its golden beams lit up the clear, blue sky. My light jacket was unbuttoned, and the morning breeze felt warm and comforting.

The trees were still bare of any buds, but I could feel a sense of the coming spring on this winter day.
I breathed in the fresh air and thanked God for this glorious day to be alive.
I thought the only one thing missing that would make this a perfect moment: was a little morning music.
Then suddenly I heard it. God had granted my wish. The morning music had arrived. It was the first birdsongs of the year.
After the cold and silent mornings of winter, nothing could have sounded sweeter.
The music was coming from every direction. The birds were singing for love, joy, and God.
They were calling on spring to hurry along and life to return to this world once more.
I stood still and just listened.
I could feel my own soul awakening to Heaven’s joy and my own heart filling with God’s love.
It truly was a perfect moment.
Sometimes we all go through the harshness of winter in our lives.
Sometimes we all feel cold, dead, and quiet inside. Sometimes we all wonder where the music has gone.
It is then, however, that we need to tell the little bird in our souls to sing once again.
It is then that we need to ask God to fill us with His love and His music.
It is then that we need to awaken our inner spring and share its life and warmth with the world.
I hope that you always take the time to hear the birds singing in the trees and the birds singing in your soul.
I hope that you fill your days with songs of joy, acts of love, and thoughts of God.
I hope that you start every day of your life here with a little morning music and carry its Heavenly melody in your heart all day long