Once upon a time, there was a farmer and He had a horse. he loved his horse so much because it supported the farmer’s family. it was his pride and joy as it helped the farmer to earn money.
until one day the horse ran away. The community heard about it and all kept on saying Oh my god! your favorite horse. whom you love so much but it ran away. That is so bad.

The farmer looks at them and says hm, maybe the very next day the horse will come back but with four wild horses.
The community heard and they said oh my god, we heard what happened, now you have 5 horses, what a bit of good luck, that is so good
And the farmer looks back at them and says he, maybe
On the next day, the farmer’s son tries to train one of the wild horses. While in the training the horse kicked him off and he broke his leg in three places.
when the news spread in the neighborhood, everyone visited the farmer and said.
Oh my god, these are the stupid horses, look what they did to your son. That is so bad. And the farmer says hm, Maybe
A few days later, the military comes to the farm looking for the young men to draft to the army.
They gave one look to the farmer’s son and said:
we can’t draft him, he has got a broken leg. Everyone in the community congratulated the farmer that he had his young son with him.
oh my god, you have your son, our sons, they get drafted, you are so lucky, that is so good. And the wise farmer still replied to them the same hm, Maybe
Moral of the story
It is so easy to develop negative mindsets when something bad happens to us. But “Good” or “Bad” who knows? What is negative or positive? when you can’t see the full picture. Something Bad may be Good in the long run, who knows?