Free Food Service by Rich Man
Once Seth (A rich man) started a free food service place for the poor. The Spirit of charity was less in him but still, he did charity because he wanted society to praise him as a generous person.

He had a wholesale business. At the end of the month, whatever grains were left that were not good to be sold were sent to that place to be used to make flour for making chapatis, in the name of charity.
Often chapatis made of rotten flour were available to the hungry in food service provided by rich men.
Soon, a rich man’s son got married. Daughter-in-law came home. She was very polite, pious and considerate.
When she came to know about the material sent to the food service place, she felt very sad as she knew it was wrong to give poor quality food in the name of charity.
The rich man had lots of servants but still, the daughter-in-law decided to take all responsibility of preparing food for herself.
On the very first day, she made chapatis using the same flour that was used at the place of free food service.
When Seth sat down to eat, she served him those chapati along with food on his plate. Seeing thick chapati, Seth was surprised, and out of curiosity, he took a bite of chapati and ate it.
As soon as he chewed that, he spit it out and said, “We have so much fresh flour in our house to make chapati.. then why did you use such rotten flour to make chapati?
My Daughter-in-law replied, “Father, this is the flour I bought from After World.” Seth was confused and said, “I don’t understand..”
Daughter-in-law replied, “Father! Whatever charity we did in the previous life, we are now eating the same and whatever we do in this life, we will get it, hereafter.
At our free food service place, chapatis made of this flour are given to the poor. When you leave this world, you will have to live on chapati made of this flour only.
That’s why I thought that if you get a practice of eating it from now on, then there will be less suffering in the afterlife.”
The rich man realized his mistake. He apologized to his daughter-in-law and got the rotten flour thrown away on the same day.
Since then, poor and hungry people started getting chapati made from fresh flour.
Moral of the story
While donating, there should not be a feeling that people should praise me, or give applause. Donations should be made with the spirit of helping others.
There is a saying that – Donation should be so secret that while giving, even your other hand does not know.