Kill Him, Kill Him
Once a man was walking by his rice fields. Suddenly he saw a big creature moving in the water. He watched carefully, and shouted ” Anaconda”.

It was a fat, large snake about thrice a man long, moving slowly in the rice fields. While the man waited for others to come, he saw the fat belly.
When all the farmers nearby gathered around, they started to encircle it. At the time, farmers encircled the snake, and someone in the crowd shouted: ” It has eaten a man, see the size of its stomach “.
Everyone yelled, ” Kill him, kill him”.
The snake was dead at the moment. The animal was torn apart, what they saw shocked them, and their head dropped with guilt.
They were eggs in the belly, she was a mother.
Moral of the story
Never decide on the spur. First, know, then decide. Your little misjudgment might take someone’s life and fill you with guilt for the rest of your life. Never always consider yourself to be right. There are always two sides to every story.