Little Boy’s Job Appraisal

A little boy went to the drug store and climbed onto to carton so that he could reach the phone. Then he dialed a number and started talking.

Boy: Mam, can you give me the job of cutting your lawn?

Lady (At the other end of the call): Sorry, but I already have someone to do that job.

Boy: Mam, I will do it for half the price you pay to the person working in person.

Lady: No, I am satisfied with the work of the person who is presently cutting my lawn.

Boy: Mam, Please Give me a job I will even sweep your sidewalks. You will have the prettiest lawn in Palm Beach.

Lady: No, thank You.

With a smile on his face, Boy replaced the receiver.

The drug store owner, who was listening to all this came to the boy and said, “Son, I liked your attitude and positive spirit and would like to offer a job to you.

Boy replied, “No sir thank you.”

The store owner (confused) Said, “But you were pleading for a job on the call.”

Boy replied (smiling) to him, “No sir, I don’t need a job. I was just checking on my performance at the Job I already have. Am the only one who is working for the Lady I was talking to.”

Moral of the story

We should try to find our weaknesses and Work hard to overcome them. We should always work hard and with full dedication.


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