Old Man And Scorpion
Once an old man was walking by the bank of the river. There he saw a tortoise come out from the river on the edge of the river bank. When the tortoise stopped at the edge of the river bank, a scorpion who was sitting at the edge, jumped on its back.

The old man saw that, after the scorpion sat on the tortoise’s back, it started swimming toward other side of the river.
Seeing this, the old man got curious and decided to follow that tortoise. He jumped into the river and started swimming after it.
The tortoise stopped at the other side of the river and the scorpion jumped off his back, on the bank of the river, and started walking.
The old man started following that scorpion. Going ahead, he saw that on the way toward which the scorpion was going, a devotee was sitting with his eyes closed, worshiping God.
The old man thought, “If this scorpion tries to bite that devotee, I will kill him with my stick.” Thinking this, the old man kept following the scorpion.
As the old man moved forward, he saw that a black poisonous snake from the other side was moving toward that devotee. The old man was surprised to see what happened next.
He saw that before the snake could bite the devotee, the scorpion stung that snake, due to which the snake fell unconscious right there. After this scorpion left from there.
After a while, the devotee opened his eyes and got up. He was surprised to see that unconscious snake.
The old man who was still there told that devotee.. how God brought that tortoise to the bank of the river and then how the scorpion came here and protected him from the snake.
Listening to this, tears came out of the devotee’s eyes. he closed his eyes to Thank God for his Kindness and for always keeping him safe from danger.