Student’s Test
Once a teacher asked his two students to come and meet him at the start of a track which was near a forest.

Students reached there at a decided time and greeted their teacher. The teacher showed them the track and said, “You both have to start here and reach the endpoint of the track. Completing this track will also affect the result of the test which will happen next week..”
He wished them luck and started the race. Both of them started together. Just after a while, students saw that the track was divided into two paths.
The first student decided to follow the path which seemed clear and was easier to go through. Where as the second student decided to go by a path that was not so easy as it was blocked by fallen logs and other obstacles.
The first student finished first and felt clever as he came first and passed that track easily avoiding all the hindrances and obstacles of the other path.
The second student took a while to reach the end point as he had to pass through that path battling obstacles in that path. The second student was happy that he was able to complete that race despite taking a difficult path.
When the second student reached the endpoint, the first student proudly said, “I am glad I chose an easier path as they would have only slowed me down..”
The teacher smiled and asked them to join him at a specific location for next week’s test. Next week student and teacher meet at a decided location. For the next test students were called near a ravine.
The teacher looked at the students and said, “You have to jump to the other side of this ravine..”
Students were taken back as the distance was a few meters wide. The first student saw the width of the ravine and couldn’t get the courage to jump it as he had never done that before. He got scared and stepped back from the test.
The teacher looked at the second student. The second student remembered the track of his last test and how he jumped wide gaps there.
He measured his run-up, sprinted towards the ravine, and launched himself into the air… He Made It…!!
After completing the test, the Teacher said to the first student, “In your previous test the difficult path was made in such a way that completing it would have prepared you for this one. When you chose an easier path it helped you to complete that test easily but you were not able to prepare for tougher exams.”
Moral of the story
Whenever you face any difficulties in Life, You shouldn’t get scared and understand that life is meant to be a series of challenges that we overcome, not avoid.
Don’t pray that God will remove the obstacles, pray that he will give you the strength to overcome them.