A young soldier walked up to a well-adorn senior officer in the army and asked him “Sir, what is the secret of your success in the army?” I want to be successful too. The officer looked at the young soldier steadily for about 3 minutes and gave him a life-threatening order.

He gave the young soldier a cup full of water and told him to walk around the training field five times. He told him that his life depended on it.
That if a drop of water fell from the cup, another soldier would shoot him in the head. Four soldiers were strategically positioned to shoot him down once a drop of water fell from the cup.
Seeing how serious the whole thing turned out, he took the cup full of water and went out to complete his assignment.
The young soldier carefully walked around the training field five full times without letting a drop fall from the cup. After the task, he returned the full cup to the senior officer.
When the man saw his commitment to preserve his life by not allowing a drop of water out of the cup, he asked him the following questions…
Did you see those half-naked girls dancing at the mammy market?
The young soldier replied No
Did you see those soldiers playing football on the field?
The young soldier replied No
What about those fighting across the other side of the field?
The young soldier replied No
Then, the officer looked at him and told him that if you keep focusing on your task, you will succeed and also preserve your life. At that point, the young soldier left happily.
Moral of the story
A lot of distractions will come in many beautiful colors on your path to success. How you deal with them determines how you will end.
Success has a bitter price. You must pay it fully. There is no shortcut to success.
Finally, those who distract you are the same people who will celebrate your failure if you eventually fail.