Time Is Gold

This is the story of a lazy man who was a friend of a king. One morning, the lazy man asked the king

Why does everyone say that I can’t do anything? And even when I go to get a proper job, everyone refuses me. My enemies have told everyone that I never do any work on time.

The king said,

Let’s make a deal. before sunset, you come to my treasury and collect as much gold and pearls as you can. They will all be yours.

The man rushed towards his home to his wife. He explained everything and then after hearing the husband, the wife said, “Go and get the gold and gems now. Time is gold for you”

The lazy man sat down and said, “I can’t go now, give me lunch first.”

after having lunch, he decided to take a nap but instead, slept for 2 hours. Then, late in the afternoon, he picked a few bags and went towards the king’s treasury. On the way, he felt hot. So, he sat down under a tree to rest and ended up sleeping for another 5 hours.

When he finally reached the palace it was already late in the evening, it was the time for sunset. Therefore, the palace gates had been shut before he could reach there.

He lost the golden chance to get rich just because he didn’t know the value of the time.

Moral of the story

Time is precious. Spend it wisely and stop wasting time on unimportant things.


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