Saint Dream

Saint Dream

Once a saint was going to a city. On his way, he saw a big tree and stopped by to rest for some time. Saint fell asleep. He saw a dream. In his dream, he saw a man who was…

Change in Thinking

Change in Thinking

On the train, two kids were playing, jumping on seats, running here, and disturbing all the other passengers in a compartment of the train. Their father was sitting near by lost in some thoughts. In between, children would look at…

Rose and Cactus

Rose and Cactus

Once in a forest, a beautiful red rose blossomed. When Rose saw around he found that everyone was admiring its beauty. One of the trees said, “I wish I was as lovely as a rose..” With every passing day, Rose…

 Never Give Up

 Never Give Up

Once in a city, lived a married young man with his wife. After marriage, a young man started working as a teacher in primary school. But due to lack of experience, soon he was squashed by students in less than…

Why Try Again?

Why Try Again?

Ramu started a business with great enthusiasm but just after a few months, his business went under. After that, time passed but Ramu didn’t start any new work. His teacher got to know about his situation and called him to…