

A voyaging ship capsized during a storm at sea and only two of the men on it were able to swim to a small, desert-like island. The two survivors who had been good friends, not knowing what else to do,…

Price of A Miracle

Price of A Miracle

Tess, an eight-year-old girl, heard her mom and dad talking about her little brother, Andy. All she could understand was that her brother was very sick and her parents were completely out of money. She made some noise with her…

Saint Dream

Saint Dream

Once a saint was going to a city. On his way, he saw a big tree and stopped by to rest for some time. Saint fell asleep. He saw a dream. In his dream, he saw a man who was…

Change in Thinking

Change in Thinking

On the train, two kids were playing, jumping on seats, running here, and disturbing all the other passengers in a compartment of the train. Their father was sitting near by lost in some thoughts. In between, children would look at…