Bad Day Story

Bad Day Story

Story of a man who could not give a convincing explanation about his broken arm. “I was in the bathtub when I heard her scream,” he related, “I thought she was being murdered, so I jumped out of the tub…

Cross The River

Cross The River

Three men are trying to cross a river. The first one prays and says, “Please give me the strength to cross this river.” At that point, she looks at a map, walks down the bank and uses the bridge to…

Three Legged Pig

Three Legged Pig

A farmer had a three legged pig and his neighbor asked him why the pig had only three legs. Exasperated, the neighbor demanded “Then how did he lose his leg?” The farmer replied, “When you have a pig that good, you…

The Golf Ball

The Golf Ball

Two friends went out to play golf and were about to tee off when one fellow noticed that his partner had but one golf ball. “Well, what happens if you hit it into the trees and it gets lost among…

Pardon Me…

Pardon Me…

As Air Force One arrives at Heathrow Airport, the US President strides to a warm and dignified reception from the Queen. The Queen politely turns to the US President and says: “Mr President, please accept my deepest regrets… I am…