bedtime stories Change in Thinking Short Stories for kids

Change in Thinking

On the train, two kids were playing, jumping on seats, running here, and disturbing all the other passengers in a compartment of the train. Their father was sitting near by lost in some thoughts. In between, children would look at…

bedtime stories Rose and Cactus Short Stories for kids

Rose and Cactus

Once in a forest, a beautiful red rose blossomed. When Rose saw around he found that everyone was admiring its beauty. One of the trees said, “I wish I was as lovely as a rose..” With every passing day, Rose…

bedtime stories Balloons in Room Short Stories for kids

Balloons in Room

Once a group of 500 people were attending a seminar. Suddenly the speaker stopped and decided to do a group activity. He started giving each person a balloon. Each person was then asked to write their name on it using…

bedtime stories Old Man Love Short Stories for kids

Old Man Love

Once in the morning, an elderly gentleman was in the hospital. He came to get his stitches removed from his thumb. A nurse came to attend to him. The nurse checked his vitals and told him to wait as it…

bedtime stories Man Desires Short Stories for kids

Man Desires

Once in a village, lived a wealthy man who had to go on a trip for his work. He started his journey. On his way, he had to pass by a dense forest. When he reached the middle of the…