Clever Kindness

Clever Kindness

In a bustling future city, there lived a man named Tom who was both clever and innocent. Tom had a special talent: he could talk to people and convince them of almost anything. One day, while walking home, Tom noticed…

The Hope Enhancer

The Hope Enhancer

In a distant future, the world was harsh and unforgiving. A young man named Leo felt hopeless after his parents passed away. Curious, Leo activated the device, and it glowed brightly. Suddenly, his mind was filled with knowledge. He saw…

The Enchanted Quest

The Enchanted Quest

Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Eldoria, there lived a young squire named Landon. He was known for his unwavering loyalty and humble demeanor, always eager to serve his knight master, Sir Roland, with obsequious devotion. Through treacherous…

Ella’s Vision

Ella’s Vision

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a young girl named Ella. She had a big dream—to become a master painter. As word of Ella’s talent spread, she was invited to participate in a prestigious art competition….

True Importance

True Importance

Jean was out walking with his grandfather in Paris. At one point, they saw a shoemaker being insulted by a customer who claimed that there was something wrong with his shoes. ‘People who perform some useful task are not bothered…

The Elephant Rope

The Elephant Rope

A gentleman was walking through an elephant camp, and he spotted that the elephants weren’t being kept in cages or held by the use of chains. “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to…

Wooden Bowl

Wooden Bowl

A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year-old grandson. The old man’s hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered. The family ate together at the table. There, Grandfather ate alone while the…