A Little Boy Wanted A Bicycle For Christmas

A little boy wanted a bicycle for Christmas. His mother said she didn’t have enough money to buy him a new bike but suggested that if he wrote to Jesus promising to be a good boy in the future, then maybe Jesus might be willing to get him one.

So the boy started writing out a letter. ‘Dear Jesus, I promise to be good for one year…’ He then crossed it out and wrote:

‘Dear Jesus, I promise to be good for one month.’

Still, he wasn’t happy, so he crossed it out and wrote: ‘Dear Jesus, I promise to be good for one week.’

His head in a spin, he tore up the paper and went for a walk.

As he passed the local church, he noticed a nativity scene.

When nobody was looking, he grabbed the figure of Mary, hid it under his coat, and ran home.

There he composed a new letter. ‘Dear Jesus, if you ever want to see your mother again…’


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