A Man Became Sick

A man became sick. He consulted many multi-facility hospitals. Still couldn’t get cured. He was sad.

Then his wife advised, “Why don’t you consult a veterinary doctor?”

He was shocked.

He screamed at her are you mad… She spoke softly nothing happened to me…

It is you have a problem.

You wake up early in the morning like cock, take a half bath like a crow, eat something like a monkey then run to the office like a racehorse, you work like a donkey, and there u scream to your juniors like a wild bear evening
you reach home and bark at us like a dog, then you eat like a crocodile, and you go to bed and sleep like a buffalo.

That’s the reason why I asked you to meet a veterinary doctor.

The man just sat now wife asked why are looking at me like an owl.


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