Music In The Jungle
A New Age musician from California is convinced that wild animals have a friendly, loving nature, which will respond to beautiful music.

To test his theory he goes to the African jungle, finds a clearing in the forest, and starts to softly play his guitar.
Within minutes, from out of the jungle, animals of all shapes and sizes begin to appear.
Monkeys, snakes, giraffes, zebras, lions and hippos are all sitting together in the clearing, enchanted by the soft music.
Suddenly, there is a banging and crashing in the bushes and an old crocodile comes lumbering out of the forest.
He stops, looks at the guy, opens his huge jaws, and “SNAP!”, swallows the poor musician in one bite.
The other animals are furious.
“Look here, you idiot,” roars the lion. “We were enjoying that!”
The crocodile looks at him blankly, puts a claw to his ear, and says, “What?”