bedtime stories Bill’s Best Friend Short Stories for kids

Bill’s Best Friend

Short and bald, with a paunch and thick-rimmed glasses, Bill was a quiet man who welcomed solitude and enjoyed the company of books. Social activities that most people found exciting, he considered tedious. Bill walked slowly down the shelter’s corridor…

bedtime stories Can We See God Short Stories for kids

Can We See God?

I sat at my desk staring at the letter for a long time. It was written by a friend of mine who was going through some difficult times. It listed problem after problem and seemed full of despair. It ended…

bedtime stories Selflessness Short Stories for kids


A voyaging ship capsized during a storm at sea and only two of the men on it were able to swim to a small, desert-like island. The two survivors who had been good friends, not knowing what else to do,…

bedtime stories Never Give Up Short Stories for kids

 Never Give Up

Once in a city, lived a married young man with his wife. After marriage, a young man started working as a teacher in primary school. But due to lack of experience, soon he was squashed by students in less than…

bedtime stories Why Try Again Short Stories for kids

Why Try Again?

Ramu started a business with great enthusiasm but just after a few months, his business went under. After that, time passed but Ramu didn’t start any new work. His teacher got to know about his situation and called him to…